
Posts Tagged ‘prayer journals’

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I’m going to focus my attention for the next few entries on writing for the soul. Recently, I read an excellent post of how gardening is good for the soul from a horticultural therapist on Linked In. He was right on. I don’t know what it is about getting covered in dirt, digging in the ground, and pulling weeds that makes me feel so good afterward. But gardening is definitely therapeutic.

Writing is too. Now, I’m going to share some personal stuff, which is scary for me, but I hope is helpful for you. Here’s one personal nugget: I pray in my prayer journal. I get started by using a great idea that I got from a pastor a few years ago. I read  a Psalm a day, underlining my favorite verses in that Psalm and writing them down in my journal. I use that as a springboard to get in touch with God. From there, my prayers flow. I also follow the Lord’s Prayer as my outline. I learned to forgive others, by first asking God to forgive me, and then, helping me to forgive so-and-so for the hurt that he/she caused me. What freedom!

I’ve learned through this process that I hurt others, too, by my words and my critical attitude. Thus, I’ve allowed God’s love to start flowing in my life that has healed my wounds and has taught me to let go of that critical spirit. I certainly haven’t arrived, but I believe, wholeheartedly, that I’m on the right track.

Do you write your prayers in a journal? Does your soul yearn to communicate with Someone outside of yourself? If so, and you want to learn more, comment on this blog. If you have questions, please ask. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll ask someone who does and get back to you. Blessings on your day!

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